Now is the perfect time for doing your own calendar. Personalize one for yourself. There are many different types of calendars forms to choose from. Pick your favorite and customize your own calendar.
I am a working mom to a wonderful daughter and wife to my loving husband. I am currently involved in online marketing. I have just discovered article marketing and I am very enthused about getting started.
Two things I love to do are taking picutres and scrapbooking. Both go hand in hand. I love taking pictures and then finding creative things to do with them. It is a stress reliever for me. I carry my camera with me everywhere and document precious memories of our family and friends. Scrapbooking allows me to display these memories in the most creative way. My ultimate dream is to find a job doing what I love - scrapbooking. I'll settle for at least working in the industry. I hope my posts give you some inspiration.
God Bless.